My name is Sal, and this is my restart to blogging. I'm a full time college student, and am majoring in Computer Science. Sometime in the future I hope to be a Video Game Programmer and Designer.
I'm a "jack-of-all-trades, master of none" kind of guy. I have a vast amount of different hobbies and interests, but don't really excel at any one. I play video games, play Warhammer 40k tabletop, mess around with Photoshop, write stories, play the drums, and continually plan for the zombie apocalypse.
Anyway, that was a quick overview of me. I'm sure as I keep posting, most of this stuff will be expanded upon, and you'll learn more about me. I plan to use this as a general blog: reviewing video games and movies, Warhammer 40k battle reports, zombie survival tips, sharing my writing and philosophies, and probably some other things I haven't even thought of yet. Here's to many posts to come. /Cheers :D